Military Time, also known as 24-hour time, is a way of keeping time that is commonly used by the armed forces and emergency services. Military time is formatted so that there is no confusion about the exact time at any particular moment.
So, what does "2345 military time" represent? The answer is 11:45 PM. In the 24-hour clock, military time is usually expressed in three digits. The first two digits represent the hour, and the last digit represents the minutes. The number 2345, therefore, translates to 23:45, or 11:45 PM.
If the time had an even minutes portion such as 2320, it would be read as 11:20 PM. The same concept applies to earlier hours in the day. For example, the number 0602 would represent 6:02 AM.
Military time is a much more efficient way of telling and keeping time than the traditional 12-hour clock. For example, a common time like 7:45 PM can become confusing if the system is not followed precisely. In military time, this same time would be expressed as 1945, which is much easier to read and understand.
In order to avoid mix-ups, it's important to remember to always start with a zero when expressing a time in military time. For example, 12:45 AM would be expressed as 0045.
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