Sunday, April 16, 2023

How is gematria calculator


Gematria is an ancient system of numeric values often used in the Western Kabbalistic tradition, which assigns numerological significance to words and phrases. To help facilitate this process and determine the numerical values of words that the user may be interested in, a gematria calculator is now available for those with an interest in this esoteric field.

A gematria calculator works by assigning numerical values to each letter of a phrase and then adding up the total of all the numbers together. This number is then compared with other phrases and value systems to determine potential meanings and correlations between them. It's believed that by utilizing this complex system, one can gain insights into spiritual mysteries and truths not accessible simply by studying written works. Those who use gematria calculators can also access mathematical equations, uncover hidden messages, and determine gematrically-influenced alternative meanings of words and phrases.

The first of these calculators was likely created by Jews in the Middle Ages who would use it to help interpret biblical passages. In turn, this practice became popular within Hermetic philosophy during resurgences towards studying spiritual subjects during Modern Times. Today, many different versions are available online for anyone to use with varying levels of accuracy (depending on which source you're using). They can also be programmed with various languages including Hebrew and Latin so users can calculate numerological values in those languages as well.

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